Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Thesis Done!!!

Posted by RedSkies

Hahahha!!! at long last! Im finished with my thesis!! hehe... Oh, I forgot, I haven't told you that I'm still a student... a GRADUATING STUDENT mind you.. :) After months of waiting for my groupmates and after doing 60% percent of the documentation and 100% of the program itself, I was able to finish it and got my grade earlier today. Congratulations to me! My thesis months have been really really hard, physically, mentally and emotionally. I remember the days that I dont have anymore to write down in our documentation because im the only one doing it and exhausted all the information and idea from my mind. My team and I never had a brainstorming session. Thanks to those who contributed their idea(using YahooMessenger so I can ask them some questions)and how to write them down properly.

With regards to the program, I made our thesis using Apache/MySQL and PHP with some javascripts I got from the internet. And I made it all by myself! hahahaha I'm really happy I was able to finish it and all worked well in our thesis defense. I believe I did a great job to think that I dont know anything about PHP or making a dynamic website.The first and only website I've made before my thesis was a plain and simple static HTML website. No database. All frames.

Anyway, Thanks to my Mom and Sister, to my batchmates who helped me and my groupmates, and especially to God who help us pass especially during the days that I'm having problems with the software's development. Now the next thing I just need to worry about is to get a job. I'll discuss the job hunting in my next post. I need to go to church today and talk to someone to get some information about a job that I would like to take.

Thank you very much for ready this post. God Help me.